Sunday 1 April 2012

A quote by : Albert Einstein

avoid popularity if you would have peace

A quote by : Albert Einstein

A Quote By : Laurence Stern

For every ten jokes, you will acquire a hundred  enemies

A Quote By : Laurence Stern

Saturday 31 March 2012

Saturday 18 February 2012

Sperm Donation

Q: Why is sperm donation is more expensive than blood donation?

A: Because it is handmade.

Saturday 11 February 2012


A wife asked her husband, " Honey, if i died, would you remarry?"
"After a considerable period of grieving, i guess i would. We all need companionship", he said.

"If i died and you remarried, would you bring her into this house?", the wife asked.
We've spent a lot of money  getting this house just the way we want it, i guess so", the husband answered.

"If if died and you remarried and she lived in the house, would she sleep in our bed?', asked the wife.
Well, the bed is brand new. It's going to last for a long time. I guess she would", said the husband.

"If i died, you remarried, then she lived in our house and slept in our bed, would she use my golf clubs?", asked the wife.
"Oh, no..She is left handed" said the husband...

Friday 10 February 2012

A couple get a divorce and are in negotiations for the custody of their children. The judge ask each of them to defend their reasoning for their rights to sole custody.

The wife reply "the children are really mine, i carried them for nine months and spent in hours for birthing them. He really didn't do anything The judges nod thoughtfully, recognising the validity of her reasoning and asks for the husband defense.

The husband thinks for a minute and replies, " Your honor, if you put a dollar into a coke vendor machine, and coke pops out. Does the coke belongs to you or the machine?"